Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Thank you!!

I know this is delayed, but I really wanted to thank all of you for how organized the impromptu early dismissal was during our inclement weather day. I really appreciate everyone sticking to their initial plans for dismissal. It really helps us to ensure that every student gets home safely. Again, thank you for your help in making that day run smoothly.

I will be updating our learning agenda for the week soon, but wanted to ask you to please remind your students that we will be having a Social Studies assessment on Wednesday. It will be based on the Causes of the American Revolution study guide that they brought home in their notebooks, last week. On Friday, we added 5 vocabulary words to their study guide. (see below)

  • boycott- refusal to buy, sell, or use certain goods
  • ally- a person or group that joins with another to work towards a goal
  • rebellion- a fight against government
  • repeal- to cancel something (as in a law)
  • congress- a group of representatives who meet to discuss a subject
Additionally, I will be giving the students their new word list for the week on Tuesday. I will not be posting the list to the blog until I give the list to the students. This is in case their group changed, so that they do not begin to study the wrong list.

Mrs. Rice will return on January 23rd. We will be glad to have her back, but will miss Mrs. Hoffmann as well. I greatly appreciate Mrs. Hoffmann jumping in and being so eager to help out in any way she could. 

I hope that everyone is enjoying their long weekend!