Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Friday, January 27, 2017

Students will need headphones for Music class next week. If they do not already have a pair here, please send in a pair. Please have all headphones here by Monday. Thank you.

Friday Feb. 3rd...
Dress down day...Students can pay $1 to dress down. We would love to see students wear Falcons' gear or colors (red and black) with jeans to help support the Atlanta Falcons.

  • Don't forget Bingo Night is January 31st at 6:15 pm.

  • Spirit Night: February 7th at Los Bravos

  • Save The Date! One of our most popular events at Teasley is our International Night. This year's International Night will be on March 3rd from 6:30-8:30 pm. If your family is interested in representing a country at the event, email Beth Seelinger at

  • Don't forget about Birthday Grams! For a $20 donation to the Teasley PAWS Foundation, your child’s name will be announced on the Teasley Morning News, posted on the marquee in front of the school and included on the TV monitors throughout the school for all their friends to see. If your child has a summer birthday, get a Birthday Gram for their half birthday. They need to be submitted by Thursday evening, the week before their birthday. There are forms in the front office or visit to purchase them.

  • Join your Teasley Tigers with the Atlanta Hawks on March 5th as they take on the Indiana Pacers. Please note that you will order through and receive your tickets directly from the Atlanta Hawks. Please see attached flyer for details and order instructions. You can also visit
  • Save The Dates for other Teasley Sports Events: Atlanta United (Major League Soccer), April 30th; Atlanta Braves, May 7th

  • i9 Sports is one of Teasley's Partners in Education. Please see attached flyer for information on registering for their Winter Break Camp and Spring Programs. If you register by January 27th, you can save up to $30. Registration ends February 10th.