Please join us for our Magical Morning of Math, Wednesday 8:00-9:00.
Back to Football Friday
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL? Teasley's Physical Education department is proud to partner with the NFL and their PLAY60 program to bring to you BACK TO FOOTBALL Fiday on September 9th. Back to Football Friday is a school wide event that encourages students to get active and excited about the upcoming football season. Students are encouraged to wear their favorte NFL football gear. During their specials time the students will participate in football related stations testing their throwing, catching, kicking, punting, and speed/agility.
WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you are intereste in volunteering we would love to have you. Please visit: to help facilitate a station. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Coach Homansky at
Purple Folders- Your child has been bringing home their reading log daily, in their purple folders. This folder will also be used to bring home graded assessments on Fridays.