From Mrs. Mungin...
"Parents, I hope
your child has had a great start to recorder practicing at home. For the
next 8 weeks, students will be studying how to play the recorder. It is
my hope that students will be encouraged to practice at home so they will
receive music bucks when they turn in their logs. Please sign your
child’s log only if they practiced songs that they have been assigned.
Your child has a music sheet to practice with. Students will only
receive credit for the work that they were assigned and for having a parent
Lastly, some students
borrowed a recorder. They should return the TEASLEY recorder every week.
Recorders will be on sale this week for $6.50. An order will go
home this week. Please place the EXACT money in the designated white envelope
and have your child bring the envelope to Ms. Mungin. Please don’t place
any recorder money in the school money box.
If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Mungin at