Hello Parents! We have been learning a lot in room 303 and we are ready for Fall Break to arrive, so that everyone can have some much needed rest. We hope that you will do something fun and we can't wait to hear about all of the kids' adventures when we return. There are a few things that we wanted to make you aware of.
Mrs. Rice and I were in a training today that lasted the duration of our planning time. This is typically when we note your child's behavior color in their agenda. We were unfortunately unable to get this task completed before dismissal, however we took a picture of the behavior chart and will put your child's color for today in their agenda in the morning.
We have been studying informational text this quarter. We have also been learning how to be authors of our own informational text. With that comes learning how to research, how to organize our writing and how to complete a rough draft. We are currently working on our second informational rough draft. Last week, the students were taken to the media center and the computer lab 3 times in total, to work on research for their Native American informational text that they will be writing. They were given a graphic organizer with questions that will assist with their writing and told that we would be collecting it as a classwork grade. They received an additional lesson on how to research from our media specialist, were given one on one instruction from Mrs. Rice I while they were researching and were given specific websites that would help them with their classwork assignment. During the time in the computer lab, we had friends who were off task and did not complete the assignment and friends who did not answer all of the questions on the graphic organizer and gave only partial answers. We have had many portions of our lessons in reading where we discussed both the importance of reading everything on the page and how to answer two part questions. Today I gave them back their graded organizers and many seemed surprised by their grade (which can be viewed on ParentVue). I revisited with the class as a whole that they were to have answered all questions and that staying on task will help them to complete assignments. I then met with individual students to answer their questions on their assignment. As the students grow, so do the expectations. We want to instill in them the importance of reading things thoroughly and using their time wisely. I hope that this answers any questions regarding this assignment that you might have.