- On page ___, the authors said ___. This makes me think...
- The author said ___, I think ___ because...
- I am thinking that the author believes ___. I think this because the author said ___.
- The author thinks ____. I think this because on pg ___, they said___.
Spelling Words for week of 9/12/16
Orange List
(o) families
- flock
- mock
- smock
- stock
- block
- strong
- long
- song
- wrong
- boss
- floss
- moss
- toss
- loss
- gloss
Blue List-
words with ou and ow
- mountain
- fountain
- route
- proud
- round
- flower
- chowder
- powder
- power
- shower
Purple List
Greek roots
tele (far;distant)
therm (heat)
photo (light)
- photocopy
- photograph
- photography
- telegraph
- telephone
- telegram
- thermometer
- thermos
- thermostat
- thermosphere