Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Friday, December 16, 2016

I have to tell you that I am super proud of the work the kids did on their Elf Traps. They were so creative and I loved seeing how their young minds worked to problem solve. Thank you for supporting them with this project.  The tricky elves don't stand a chance against these traps!  The projects will be sent home next week.

REMINDER:  Don't forget to get your 2016-2017 yearbook!
Reserve Your Teasley Elementary School 2016-2017 Yearbook.
“Early Bird” Special $28 for a Hard Copy Yearbook!!!!

Prices will increase after Decemeber 20th.  You may purchase the yearbook online at for $29

·         Our Box Tops drive this fall raised $539.10 for our school! Way to go Team Teasley. Keep on collecting! We will have another drive in the spring.
·         Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Love Offering! We collected $1543 to give to our custodial, cafeteria and front office staff.

·         The Teasley 5th Graders are selling Chick-fil-A calendars again this year to raise money for their class trip and graduation. CFA calendars make a great gift for family and friends! Last day to purchase is Monday, December 19. 

·         Wednesday, December 21 is our last day of school before Winter Break. It's also a Dress Down Day for $1! Money collected supports PTA.
·         Save The Date- January 11, 2017 at 8 am- PTA General Membership Meeting