Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Monday, October 17, 2016

Tiger Trot
November 18th

Put on your running shoes and collect your pledges! It’s time for the Tiger Trot.  Students will be asking for donations for their participation in this event.  Monies collected will go towards the PTA to support teacher materials in the classroom. 

BOO HOP Dance!
October 28th
Grades K-2: Dismissal-3:30
Grades 3-5: 4:00-6:00 **

**Students in grades 3-5 will have to be driven back to school or pay regular ASP fees.**

Tickets MUST be purchased by October 26th.
$5 for grades K-2 includes water and a treat
$7 for grades 3-5 includes pizza, water and a treat

Students may wear funny socks, or hat, or a school appropriate costume (NO SCARY CLOWNS OR MASKS)
Sponsored by Mrs. Mungin and the Teasley Treble Tones