Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Monday, March 27, 2017

Learning Targets for this week:

Reading: Review of standards RL1 and RL3 (using details, dialogue and events to infer and give details in our own words) (no formal assessment this week in reading;classwork grade only)
ELA & Writing: Using adjectives and adverbs (4L1c-d) / How can I respond to an informational prompt? (4.W.2)  Quiz on Adjectives and Adverbs on Friday
Math: Classifying two-dimensional figures (4.G.2) Geometry Quiz on Friday
Science: The Solar System (S.4.E2 a-d)  Quiz on Friday: Moon Phases and Planets

**No Spelling Test this week. **

Remember- Spring Break is next week!!