Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Monday, November 14, 2016

Tonight's Math Homework
The homework tonight has a tutorial side which shows standard algorithm for solving multiplication. We have not taught this method, but have taught area model, distributive with partial product and box method. All of which can be found in your child's math journal. Please have them use one of the methods we have taught to complete tonight's homework. Sorry for the confusion. 

Outside Recess
I am sure that you have seen the news and been outside. There have also  been a few weather advisories regarding the smoke in the air. Today and until it clears up a bit, we will be having indoor recess. I just don't feel comfortable having the kids outside running around and breathing in all the smoke in the air.

Teasley’s SCIENCE FAIR is coming…
Tuesday, January 17th, 2017
Grades 2-5: projects are due on Friday, January 13th, 2017 (Media Center)

**Projects will be judged on Tuesday, January 17th and projects will be displayed in the media center for several weeks to follow! The top 3 students per grade level will be awarded with a 1st-3rd place ribbon. All remaining participants will earn a participation ribbon! The 1st place winner from grades 3-5 will be asked to bring their project to the District Science Fair.  The district science fair will be on Saturday, February 11th at Kennesaw Mountain High School.

If you are interested in participating in the science fair, please investigate the guidelines .  Sign-up packets will be available on Thursday, December 1st, however, you may start your project at any time.  Remember to keep a journal of your discoveries!

If you are interested in participating in the science fair please read below.
Each science fair project must consist of a student led scientific investigation (following accepted scientific methods) and a display to present the investigation results to judges and other science fair attendees.  Presentation guidelines will be given at a later date.  Biological and zoological projects will not be accepted.  We are STRONGLY encouraged to not allow students to experiment with molds or bacteria of any kind, as these can be particularly hazardous to student health.  Models, including volcanoes or robots, will not be accepted as experiments.
Parents are encouraged to guide students but not build the project.  Remember a good project is planned and developed over a period of time.

1.  Is the project based on a research question or questions?

0          1          2

2. Does the project hypothesis offer an answer to the project research question(s)?

0          1          2

3. Are project procedures well-described and able to be repeated?

0          1          2

4. Is there research on the topic? (Research requires 2 or more reputable sources).

0          1          2

5. Do you get a sense of the student’s knowledge/understanding of the topic in their own words?

0          1          2

6. Does the project contain measureable data? (For 2 points, student must have done multiple trials). 

0          1          2
7. Is there an effective analysis of data? Clearly stated results? (Both are required.)

0          1          2

8. Are the data analyzed sufficiently to answer to the project question?

0          1          2

9. Are the project conclusions based on analysis of results?

0          1          2

10. Are the project conclusions and results presented clearly?
0          1          2