Thank you so much for the generous donation of tissues! We should be good for the remainder of the year. At this point, we are just in need of glue sticks. Additionally, we can always use nut free snacks, especially as we take the Milestones which start next Wednesday. Thank you again for your support and generosity.
Braves Opening Week!
We are very excited to have a partnership with the Braves Organization, as they have become our neighbors. The Braves have been kind enough to donate several items for the school to give to students. There will be a weekly drawing for students. In order to be included in the drawing, we are asking students to donate canned/nonperishable food items. With each item donated, the student will have their name placed in the drawing 1 time. (So, if they donate 5 items, their name will be placed in the drawing 5 times etc)Friday April 14th...
To support opening day this Friday, students will be allowed to wear any Braves shirt or Braves colors that they have.
Please do not allow your child to bring toys or distracting items to class. We are still having items brought in that are becoming a distraction (goop, nonprescription glasses, and a variety of toys). We want to do our best to keep all students focused during class time. Thank you for your help with this matter.
Remember that if your child qualifies to retake an assessment, they will be bringing home a retake packet. If they would like to retake the assessment they must complete the practice work attached, have a parent signature on the form attached and return the packet by the date indicated. No late packets will be accepted.
Next Wednesday we will begin Milestone testing. Please ensure that your child gets plenty of sleep, eats a good breakfast, arrives to school on time, and brings a healthy snack. More information will be posted soon about next week's testing.