Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Parents, we need your assistance. We are having many instances throughout the day of classmates not being kind and disrespectful to not only each other, but adults throughout the building. Typically this would be something that we would obviously just handle on an individual basis, however it is a problem that is becoming more widespread and we felt it important to bring to everyone's attention.  We have approximately 4  more weeks of learning left and we want the students to work just as hard in these last few weeks, as they have throughout the year. Please speak with your student about the importance of finishing the year strong and being respectful to all.

Additionally, we want to bring something to your attention. We have heard lots of chatter among the students lately about how they contact each other through various apps and social media platforms and it is starting to become a disruption at school. Continuous disruptions by students in the classroom, could potentially result in being written up. What students do outside of the classroom is not under our control, however when it causes a disruption in the classroom, it is something that we must attend to. Please speak with your children about internet safety, internet bullying and remind them to be careful who they speak with through these outlets and encourage them to report anything to you that is unkind or not appropriate. 

Progress Reports are coming home today. Please sign and return by Wednesday May 2nd.

Please send your child to school in the shoes that you would like them to wear all day. Please do not allow them to bring multiple pairs of shoes.

Thank you!!