Parents- we need your help.
- We are seeing an influx of unnecessary items being brought to class and causing disruptions. Please do not allow students to being toys, trinkets, cosmetics or any other item, not needed for instruction.
- Please also remember to send in a healthy, nut-free snack for your child daily. Please do not send in sweets, cookies or potato chips for snack. Healthy options might include fruits or vegetable snacks. Thank you for your assistance with this.
- Please also do not send in family sized bags of chips for students at lunch. If you would like them to have chips at lunch, please only send in a snack size bag (like what is sold in the cafeteria).
Welcome Braves!
In an effort to welcome the Braves to Smyrna, we are asking students to write a letter or create a card for a player that we were assigned. Our player is Freddie Freeman. He is the 1st baseman for the Braves. He loves cats, has a new baby son named Charlie and is representing Canada in the World Baseball Classic. ALL letters or cards must be returned on MONDAY. Thank you!
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested in the American Revolution to participate in the Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest.
The theme for the poster is Revolutionary War Persons.
Deadline to submit posters is April 21st.
Americanism School Poster Contest
Posters must be delivered to Trudy Delhey at the County office (514 Glover Street, suite 220) by noon on April 21st, 2017.
All posters must be two dimensional. No three dimensional entries will be allowed or accepted.
Posters may be submitted either on traditional poster board or thicker display board. The maximum size of the poster board is 22” x 28”.
Computer aided graphics designed material may be used on the posters. However, this material must be of original design. No commercially-produced or printed material such as clip art will be allowed.
Use of trademarked or copyrighted material will be grounds for disqualification.
All posters will be judged by the following criteria:
Does the poster express the annual theme?
Does the poster show originality by the student?
Does the poster show evidence of research?
Does the poster show artistic merit and creativity?
Does the poster accurately reflect the historical event?
Is the poster neat and visually pleasing?
The local winner will move to the State level.
National contest winners will be announced at the annual Youth Awards Luncheon during Congress.
National Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest Prizes:
First place blue rosette ribbon, $150 cash prize, and certificate
Second place red rosette ribbon, $100 cash prize, and certificate
Third place white rosette ribbon, $50 cash prize, and certificate