Field Day T-Shirts for Sale!!
Order forms for Field Day T-Shirts have been sent home. Students have until Thursday March 9th to bring back their completed order form and payment. Please have them place the payment in a white school envelope with the order form stapled to the outside of the envelope. They received a white payment envelope. No late orders will be accepted. If you have any questions please about T-Shirt orders, please contact Coach Homansky.
**Your Social Studies textbook is a great resource for this project! You may borrow one from our classroom. (Or check the blog for access to view the textbook online!)**
Students received this information today.
a Project Menu Works: There are two courses for our Project
Menu-entrée and side. You must choose one from the entrée menu and one from the
sides menu. Both the “entrée” and the “side” must be submitted in order to
receive credit.
**Your Social Studies textbook is a great resource for this project! You may borrow one from our classroom. (Or check the blog for access to view the textbook online!)**
Entrée: Choose one.
and Effect Quilt – Beginning with the French and Indian
War and ending with the Lexington and Concord, pick 6 events that led to the
American Revolution. 1. Put a color image for each event. 2. Describe how the
event was an effect of something else or how it led to another event. For
example: The shooting at Lexington
and Concord
started the American Revolution. 3. The quilt may be made out of fabric or made
out of paper.
and Effect Slide Show – 1. The slideshow should have at least 6
informational slides and one title slide with student’s name. 2. Limit each
slide to 15 – 20 words. 3. Slides must have color and at least one graphic per
page. 4. Animation is optional, and should not distract from information being
and Effect Letter – 1.Write a letter to King George
explaining how events led to the war. 2. Include at least 6 events. For
example, “Because you did this, we
did this. We felt this was unfair
because…” 2. Use correct letter format. You are writing to a king, so use
formal language. 3. Use correct grammar. 3. Write a minimum of three
and Effect Game – 1. Create an American Revolution themed
board game or card game.2. Your game must include 6 events that led to the
American Revolution. 3. You must provide any supplies needed (dice, game
pieces, etc.) 4. A minimum of 2 people need to be able to play your game, but
up to 4 people can be allowed to play.
Choose one.
Students will identify important people
of the Revolutionary War.
People Guess Who – 1. Pick at least four important figures
from either the British or the colonists 2. Create a game where you give clues
to help your classmates guess who. 3. Give at least four clues that show why
they were important to the Revolutionary War for each person. 4. Create an
answer key.
an Assessment- Create a 20 question test about the Revolutionary
War. Be sure to have an answer sheet.
and Effect News Report – 1. Choose 6 events that led up to
the Revolutionary War. 2. Create a news article that identifies the event, what
happened, what led to it, and what it led to.
and Effect Trading Cards – 1. Choose 6 events that led up to
the American Revolution. 2. Create one trading card for each. 3. Put a picture
of the event, what led to that event, and what that event led to.
How will this optional assignment effect my grade?
After grading the assignment, I will replace the
lowest classwork grade previously earned, if the optional project grade is
higher. Please sit with your child and refer to ParentVue (Social Studies
classwork grades) in order to determine if they would benefit from doing the
optional project.
How will I be graded?
To receive full points, the student must complete one entrée AND one side. Projects will not be accepted if BOTH the entrée and the side are not
To receive full points, each criteria must be met for the entrée and the side that are chosen.
The criteria for each, are listed in the descriptions of the tasks.
No late
projects will be excepted. ALL projects are due on Wednesday March 8th.