Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Friday March 31st is Dress Down for $1 day!

Important... as there have been many students with sore  throats etc,  please do not send them with cough drops etc unless you have cleared it with the nurse. 

Have a relaxing and enjoyable spring break!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Thank you everyone for our Teacher Appreciation gifts. Your kindness and generosity are very much appreciated! ❤

Please be sure to have your children study their multiplication facts DAILY. This is not something that is written in their agendas daily, but it is something that they need to be fluent with. This was a 3rd grade skill, however this is a skill that has not been mastered by all, and is very important.

Due to some changes to our schedule this week, we will not be having a quiz on adverbs and adjectives this Friday. We will revisit these concepts after break and assess then. 

Please have your children reading, writing and practicing math over spring break. We obviously want them to have down time and fun, but want them to also keep there focus and keep practicing. They are responsible for completing one page in the ELA packet and two pages in math packet, indicated on the cover sheet of each. They will need to bring this back the Monday we return from spring break.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Learning Targets for this week:

Reading: Review of standards RL1 and RL3 (using details, dialogue and events to infer and give details in our own words) (no formal assessment this week in reading;classwork grade only)
ELA & Writing: Using adjectives and adverbs (4L1c-d) / How can I respond to an informational prompt? (4.W.2)  Quiz on Adjectives and Adverbs on Friday
Math: Classifying two-dimensional figures (4.G.2) Geometry Quiz on Friday
Science: The Solar System (S.4.E2 a-d)  Quiz on Friday: Moon Phases and Planets

**No Spelling Test this week. **

Remember- Spring Break is next week!!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Parents- we need your help. 

  • We are seeing an influx of unnecessary items being brought to class and causing disruptions. Please do not allow students to being toys, trinkets,  cosmetics or any other item, not needed for instruction.  
  • Please also remember to send in a healthy, nut-free snack for your child daily. Please do not send in sweets, cookies or potato chips for snack.  Healthy options might include fruits or vegetable snacks. Thank you for your assistance with this.
  • Please also do not send in family sized bags of chips for students at lunch. If you would like them to have chips at lunch, please only send in a snack size bag (like what is sold in the cafeteria). 

Welcome Braves!
In an effort to welcome the Braves to Smyrna, we are asking students to write a letter or create a card for a player that we were assigned. Our player is Freddie Freeman. He is the 1st baseman for the Braves. He loves cats, has a new baby son named Charlie and is representing Canada in the World Baseball Classic. ALL letters or cards must be returned on MONDAY. Thank you!

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested in the American Revolution to participate in the Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest.
The theme for the poster is Revolutionary War Persons.

Deadline to submit posters is April 21st.

Americanism School Poster Contest
Posters must be delivered to Trudy Delhey at the County office (514 Glover Street, suite 220) by noon on April 21st, 2017.
All posters must be two dimensional. No three dimensional entries will be allowed or accepted.
Posters may be submitted either on traditional poster board or thicker display board. The maximum size of the poster board is 22” x 28”.

Computer aided graphics designed material may be used on the posters. However, this material must be of original design. No commercially-produced or printed material such as clip art will be allowed. 

Use of trademarked or copyrighted material will be grounds for disqualification.

All posters will be judged by the following criteria:

Does the poster express the annual theme?

Does the poster show originality by the student?

Does the poster show evidence of research?

Does the poster show artistic merit and creativity?

Does the poster accurately reflect the historical event?

Is the poster neat and visually pleasing?

The local winner will move to the State level.

National contest winners will be announced at the annual Youth Awards Luncheon during Congress.  

National Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest Prizes: 
First place blue rosette ribbon, $150 cash prize, and certificate
Second place red rosette ribbon, $100 cash prize, and certificate
Third place white rosette ribbon, $50 cash prize, and certificate

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Here are some Geometry Math Videos that you can watch to gain a better understanding of lines, angles, and how to label them.

Angles Video:

Lines Video: 

How to label lines, points, rays, and angles:

Monday, March 20, 2017

Learning Targets for the Week:

Reading: Why do authors use figurative language in poetry to reveal their message? (RL.5)
Writing: How can I respond to an informational prompt? (4.W.2)
Math: How can I use my knowledge of Geometry to draw polygons? (4.G.1)
Science: How do Earth and its moon move? (S.4.2 a-d)

**No Spelling Test this week. **
The student connection team would like to congratulate the following students who have had perfect attendance and NO tardies for the third 9 weeks of school.  These students will be allowed to dress down on Friday March 24th, 2017.  Each student will receive a dress down sticker to wear for the day when they arrive in their classroom on Friday morning.  We so appreciate you, parents, for getting your children to school on time, every day!!

Nyzzie Coleman
Christian Drohan
Emmy Harwitz
Narain Singaram Balamurugan
Christian Smith
Annalise Trocano
Hansitha Yarabarla

Thanks everyone!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Teasley will have its annual Talent Show on March 24th, at 6:30pm. The theme this year is “Flashback Friday”. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 13, 2017

  • Prospective Parent Coffee at 8:15 a.m. in the Media Center on Tuesday, 3/14. 
  • There is a PTA/PAWS Leadership meeting at 8:00 in the Media Center on Wednesday morning. 
  • ALL PRO DADS Friday, 3/17 at 7:00 a.m. in the Café. 
  • KiDtalk 2017 is here!  KiDtalk is a student competition for Cobb students. NEW for 2017 is the TeacherTalk competition for Cobb teachers!  This year we’re asking students & teachers to tell us how they are committed to impacting their world, community and/or school.  Winners will speak to all educators in Cobb during Learning Kickoff.  All KiDtalk & TeacherTalk submissions are due by April 14, 2017.  Visit for complete competition details.

Learning Agenda

  • Reading- 4RI7- Using text features (this is review material that has already been taught during 1st quarter-assessment Friday)
  • Writing- 4W3- Responding to narrative prompts
  • Math- MD2 & MD3- Converting units of weight (Friday-quiz)
  • Social Studies- 4H5- Creating a New Nation-(assessment ch.9)

  • Word Work- (assessment Friday- Students will need to be able to spell the words correctly and use them in sentences appropriately.)

This week all groups will be using the same words. Our goal is to make sure that students understand how to not only spell, but use a few commonly used verbs in their writing.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Optional Social Studies Project is due Wednesday. Please remember that late projects will not be accepted.

Thursday night is PTA at 6:15 in the Café.  Administration will be presenting about the upcoming Milestone Assessment.

·         Friday is PICTURE DAY.  This is a free dress up day – class pictures will be taken and information has already been sent home.  
·         Friday afternoon is Rise Up at 2:45 in the Café. 

  • Builders Bunch LEGO "Game & Challenge Competitions" After School EventMonday, March 13 from 3:00pm-5:00pm, $15 (Teasley will get $5 of that fee.) Register by visiting or return the flyer that came home with your child to the PTA box. (NOTE TO PARENTS: Students MUST pre-register for this event by 3/12/17 at 11:59pm! Check-in will begin at 2:30pm on 3/13/17. Dismissal will begin at 5pm for carpool students. Please place a note in your child's communication folder to let your child's homeroom teacher know that they will attend this event. Be sure to include how your child should be dismissed- via carpool or sent to regular ASP.) 

  • Mellow Mushroom Vinings Spirit Night- March 14th5:00-8:00pm

  • The next All Pro Dads will be March 17th at 7:00am in the Cafe.

  • Message From Coach Homansky: We are doing field day t-shirts this year for the Teasley students, staff, and community. Shirts will be $8. Below is the go home date for forms and due date for each grade level. Late orders will not be accepted!

    5th and 4th: home 2/27 due 3/9
    3rd: home 3/6 due 3/16
    2nd: home 3/13 due 3/23
    1st: home 3/20 due 3/30
    K and Pre-K: home 3/27 due 4/14

Monday, March 6, 2017

Optional Social Studies Project is due Wednesday. Please remember that late projects will not be accepted.

Thursday night is PTA at 6:15 in the Café.  Administration will be presenting about the upcoming Milestone Assessment.

·         Friday is PICTURE DAY.  This is a free dress up day – class pictures will be taken and information has already been sent home.  
·         Friday afternoon is Rise Up at 2:45 in the Café. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Learning Agenda for this week:
MathStudents will use customary units to solve length problems. (4MD.1 and 4MD.2)
Reading-Students will describe the text structure of chronological order in informational text. (4.RI.5)-Assessment Friday
Writing- Students will write to a narrative prompt. (4W3)
Social Studies- Students will be able to describe what went into making a new nation. (4.H.5)
ELA- No Spelling Tests this week. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Field Day T-Shirts for Sale!!
Order forms for Field Day T-Shirts have been sent  home.  Students have until Thursday March 9th to bring back their completed order form and payment.  Please have them place the payment in a white school envelope with the order form stapled to the outside of the envelope.  They received a white payment envelope. No late orders will be accepted.  If you have any questions please about T-Shirt orders, please contact Coach Homansky.

Students received this information today.

How a Project Menu Works: There are two courses for our Project Menu-entrée and side. You must choose one from the entrée menu and one from the sides menu. Both the “entrée” and the “side” must be submitted in order to receive credit.

**Your Social Studies textbook is a great resource for this project! You may borrow one from our classroom. (Or check the blog for access to view the textbook online!)**
              Entrée: Choose one.
·         Cause and Effect Quilt – Beginning with the French and Indian War and ending with the Lexington and Concord, pick 6 events that led to the American Revolution. 1. Put a color image for each event. 2. Describe how the event was an effect of something else or how it led to another event. For example: The shooting at Lexington and Concord started the American Revolution. 3. The quilt may be made out of fabric or made out of paper.
·         Cause and Effect Slide Show – 1. The slideshow should have at least 6 informational slides and one title slide with student’s name. 2. Limit each slide to 15 – 20 words. 3. Slides must have color and at least one graphic per page. 4. Animation is optional, and should not distract from information being presented.
·         Cause and Effect Letter – 1.Write a letter to King George explaining how events led to the war. 2. Include at least 6 events. For example, “Because you did this, we did this. We felt this was unfair because…” 2. Use correct letter format. You are writing to a king, so use formal language. 3. Use correct grammar. 3. Write a minimum of three paragraphs.
·         Cause and Effect Game – 1. Create an American Revolution themed board game or card game.2. Your game must include 6 events that led to the American Revolution. 3. You must provide any supplies needed (dice, game pieces, etc.) 4. A minimum of 2 people need to be able to play your game, but up to 4 people can be allowed to play.

            Sides: Choose one.                                                  
Objective: Students will identify important people of the Revolutionary War.
·         Important People Guess Who – 1. Pick at least four important figures from either the British or the colonists 2. Create a game where you give clues to help your classmates guess who. 3. Give at least four clues that show why they were important to the Revolutionary War for each person. 4. Create an answer key.
·         Create an Assessment- Create a 20 question test about the Revolutionary War. Be sure to have an answer sheet.
·         Cause and Effect News Report – 1. Choose 6 events that led up to the Revolutionary War. 2. Create a news article that identifies the event, what happened, what led to it, and what it led to.
·         Cause and Effect Trading Cards – 1. Choose 6 events that led up to the American Revolution. 2. Create one trading card for each. 3. Put a picture of the event, what led to that event, and what that event led to. 
How will this optional assignment effect my grade?
·         After grading the assignment, I will replace the lowest classwork grade previously earned, if the optional project grade is higher. Please sit with your child and refer to ParentVue (Social Studies classwork grades) in order to determine if they would benefit from doing the optional project.
How will I be graded?
·         To receive full points, the student must complete one entrée AND one sideProjects will not be accepted if BOTH the entrée and the side are not completed.
·         To receive full points, each criteria must be met for the entrée and the side that are chosen. The criteria for each, are listed in the descriptions of the tasks.
No late projects will be excepted. ALL projects are due on Wednesday March 8th.