The Lion King will be presented this Friday and Saturday night at Campbell HS!
Tickets are on sale now at
Discounted tickets will be
sold until Thursday. Otherwise tickets can be purchased at the door.
- Field Day is Wednesday. Please have your child bring a complete set of extra clothes (including extra shoes), there are many water activities. Please have them apply sunblock before getting to school Wednesday morning. Have them bring a water bottle and a plastic bag for their wet clothes and have them wear sneakers. No cleats please.
- Thursday is the 4th grade End of the Year Awards at 8:10 in the cafeteria. If your child met the award criteria, then they received an invitation today.
- Students will be receiving a free, blue Strong 4 Life t-shirt. Please encourage them to wear it this Friday.
- If you have not already done so, please send in the envelope that was requested for report cards.
- The half price Book Fair runs through Wednesday.