Here are a couple of reminders:
- The ABC's of the American Revolution projects N-Z are due tomorrow! This is a Social Studies grade.
- Spelling Test tomorrow.
- If students did not complete the Science classwork (answering questions #1-8 on p. 184 in their textbook), they are to complete it as homework.
- Please check to see that your child has in fact completed his/her homework before signing off on it. We are having a Light Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow and as a part of homework for the past week and a half has been to study this vocabulary. Unfortunately, today, we've had students who said that they haven't studied at all. (This also pertains to their spelling words that are given out at the beginning of each week.)
- If a student is given a retake packet in order to retake a test, the entire packet must be turned in by the date specified. If we do not have both a parent signature and completed practice work, a retake test will not be given.
Thank you for all of your continued support,
Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace