This week we will be learning:
Math- Multiplying 2 digit by 2 digit numbers. (4NBT5)
Reading- Identifying the structural elements of a drama (4RL5)
Writing- Continue creating a rough and final draft of a personal narrative (4W3, 4W3b)
***We will be having a writing celebration on Thursday Dec 1st 8:00-9:00 a.m. We hope you can join us)***
Word Work- There will be no spelling words this week, due to the additional writing homework that will be coming home.
Social Studies- Colonial Life (4H2b, 4H3 a-b)
***Multiplication Masters- Knowledge of multiplication facts is very important in this quarter. We have implemented an incentive program in class where students can "test out" in the mornings. They can sign up in the morning when they enter class and if they feel as though they have mastered certain facts, they can "test out". For example, if a student wants to test on their 5's, we will ask them facts based on their 5 times tables in random order. If they are fluent in their correct answers, then they will be marked off as having completed them. The students who have mastered all facts by the end of January (exact date will be announced) then they qualify for a multiplication celebration! Please continue to encourage your children to study at home.
All proceeds benefit the Teasley Treble Tones Chorus Spring Musical
Purchase your tickets using this link: