Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Notes from the Classroom:

  • Please join us tomorrow for our Author's Celebration. We will be starting after our daily housekeeping, around 8:10.

  • Signed Progress Reports are due back by Friday Dec 2nd.

  • We have recently had many students forgetting to return their journals after bringing them home for use. This leaves them without the necessary materials for classwork. Please make sure that they bring journals with them DAILY.

  • Field trip permission slips to The Cobb Youth Museum went home yesterday. Donations and signed permission are due back by Friday December 16th.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Parents, here is a video on how to support your students at home, in math, with using the box method (what we are using in class, currently) to multiply 2 digit by 2 digit numbers.

Writing Celebration:
Please join us Thursday morning 8:00-9:00 for our writing celebration!

Please remind your child that any journals brought home, need to be returned to school DAILY. We are having students not prepared for class, because they have left items at home. Thank you!

Winterfest is almost here!!

Be a part of the fun at the Teasley WINTERFEST Tree Lighting on December 3.  Look forward to you joining us!!! 

Field Trip...
Field trip permission slips went home today for our trip to the Cobb Youth Museum on 12/21. All permission slips and donations are due by Friday December 16th!

We usually do not send home graded work etc until Friday, however we decided to send these things home today along with other communication from the school. Please check your child's purple take home folder. 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
 This week we will be learning:

Math- Multiplying 2 digit by 2 digit numbers. (4NBT5)
Reading- Identifying the structural elements of a drama (4RL5)
Writing- Continue creating a rough and final draft of a personal narrative (4W3, 4W3b)
***We will be having a writing celebration on Thursday Dec 1st 8:00-9:00 a.m. We hope you can join us)***
Word Work- There will be no spelling words this week, due to the additional writing homework that will be coming home.
Social Studies- Colonial Life (4H2b, 4H3 a-b)

***Multiplication Masters- Knowledge of multiplication facts is very important in this quarter. We have implemented an incentive program in class where students can "test out" in the mornings. They can sign up in the morning when they enter class and if they feel as though they have mastered certain facts, they can "test out". For example, if a student wants to test on their 5's, we will ask them facts based on their 5 times tables in random order. If they are fluent in their correct answers, then they will be marked off as having completed them. The students who have mastered all facts by the end of January (exact date will be announced) then they qualify for a multiplication celebration!  Please continue to encourage your children to study at home. 

All proceeds benefit the Teasley Treble Tones Chorus Spring Musical
Purchase your tickets using this link:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Class News:

  • Progress Reports went home today. Please check your child's book bags. 

  • Tiger Trot is tomorrow! Go Blazers!!! Please make sure that your child wears appropriate running footwear. It is also a free dress down day for students. Any school appropriate attire is allowed.  If your child has something yellow that they would like to wear in order to coordinate as a team, please encourage them to do so, however it is not mandatory. Please remember to sign your child up. Even if you are unable to raise donations, their participation will go towards an ice cream party for our class if we have 100% of our students sign up.

  • Thank you to everyone that was able to make it to our Thanksgiving Feast. It was so nice to see you and I know the kids enjoyed it too!

  • We are going to do a little fall cleaning tomorrow, so your children will probably be bringing home full backpacks. Please go through them with your child and have them clean their back packs out over the break.

  • Last but not least, on behalf of myself, Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Hoffman, we want to wish everyone a restful Thanksgiving break. We hope you enjoy time with family and friends. We are thankful for many things, including the opportunity to work with your children everyday.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Tonight's Math Homework
The homework tonight has a tutorial side which shows standard algorithm for solving multiplication. We have not taught this method, but have taught area model, distributive with partial product and box method. All of which can be found in your child's math journal. Please have them use one of the methods we have taught to complete tonight's homework. Sorry for the confusion. 

Outside Recess
I am sure that you have seen the news and been outside. There have also  been a few weather advisories regarding the smoke in the air. Today and until it clears up a bit, we will be having indoor recess. I just don't feel comfortable having the kids outside running around and breathing in all the smoke in the air.

Teasley’s SCIENCE FAIR is coming…
Tuesday, January 17th, 2017
Grades 2-5: projects are due on Friday, January 13th, 2017 (Media Center)

**Projects will be judged on Tuesday, January 17th and projects will be displayed in the media center for several weeks to follow! The top 3 students per grade level will be awarded with a 1st-3rd place ribbon. All remaining participants will earn a participation ribbon! The 1st place winner from grades 3-5 will be asked to bring their project to the District Science Fair.  The district science fair will be on Saturday, February 11th at Kennesaw Mountain High School.

If you are interested in participating in the science fair, please investigate the guidelines .  Sign-up packets will be available on Thursday, December 1st, however, you may start your project at any time.  Remember to keep a journal of your discoveries!

If you are interested in participating in the science fair please read below.
Each science fair project must consist of a student led scientific investigation (following accepted scientific methods) and a display to present the investigation results to judges and other science fair attendees.  Presentation guidelines will be given at a later date.  Biological and zoological projects will not be accepted.  We are STRONGLY encouraged to not allow students to experiment with molds or bacteria of any kind, as these can be particularly hazardous to student health.  Models, including volcanoes or robots, will not be accepted as experiments.
Parents are encouraged to guide students but not build the project.  Remember a good project is planned and developed over a period of time.

1.  Is the project based on a research question or questions?

0          1          2

2. Does the project hypothesis offer an answer to the project research question(s)?

0          1          2

3. Are project procedures well-described and able to be repeated?

0          1          2

4. Is there research on the topic? (Research requires 2 or more reputable sources).

0          1          2

5. Do you get a sense of the student’s knowledge/understanding of the topic in their own words?

0          1          2

6. Does the project contain measureable data? (For 2 points, student must have done multiple trials). 

0          1          2
7. Is there an effective analysis of data? Clearly stated results? (Both are required.)

0          1          2

8. Are the data analyzed sufficiently to answer to the project question?

0          1          2

9. Are the project conclusions based on analysis of results?

0          1          2

10. Are the project conclusions and results presented clearly?
0          1          2

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Class News:

  • For those of you who RSVP'd to the Teasley Thanksgiving Feast, our Feast will be on Thursday Nove 17th 11:40-12:20.
  • Target will not be meeting this week or the 2 weeks following Thanksgiving Break, due to testing in grades 1, 3 & 5.
  • Tuesday, November 15, Spirit Night @ Willy’s Mexicana Grill

Holiday Hearts Program...

It’s time again for the annual “Holiday Heart Program” at Teasley.  Each year our students, staff and community members support families in need during the holiday season.  This year we are trying something new!  We are asking you to buy gifts cards from places such as Wal-mart, Target, Publix, Kroger or QT instead of gifts.  Please assist us in helping these families in our school community by selecting a heart from the Holiday Hearts tree when you visit the school or attend the Thanksgiving Feast.  You can purchase a gift card in any denomination (please write the amount on the card).

Please place your gift card in an envelope marked “Holiday Hearts” and return it to Teasley by Monday, December 12th.  All gift cards should be placed in one of the black payment boxes or the safe.

If you have any questions please contact Sherise Harris (Counselor for Kindergarten -2nd), or Corinna Oliver (Counselor for 3rd – 5th) at 770-437-5945.  Thank you for your support and generosity!

Tiger Trot
The Tiger Trot is coming up Friday, November 18. Please remember to sign your child up at  More information will be coming as to how you can come out and support our class...The Blazers!!

This week we will be learning...
Math- continuing to multiply 3 & 4 digit numbers by 1 digit. Assessment Friday.  Introducing multiplying by 2 digits. (4.NBT.5)

Science- continuing Force & Motion and introducing Simple Machines (S4P3a-d)
Resource for Simple Machines

Reading- Comparing text with its visual representation (class project as assessment) (4RL7)

Writing- Creating a personal narrative (planning, including a beginning (characters and setting), middle (problem and seed story) and end (has resolution), incorporating internal thinking, dialogue and word choice) (4W3,4W3b)

ELA- Word Choice (replacing tired words) and using commas and quotations (4L1, 4L2d, 4L3a)
Word Sort 12
Purple Group:
Word Choice
(replacing tired words in our writing)

  • walk: saunter, traipse
  • run: scamper, sprint, 
  • said: uttered, pronounced, replied
  • thought: pondered, contemplated, reflected

Word Sort 12
Blue Group:
Word Choice
(replacing tired words in our writing)

  • walk: strolled, glided, wandered
  • run: jogged, trotted
  • said: shouted, exclaimed, announced
  • thought: wondered, considered
Word Sort 12
Orange Group:
Word Choice
(replacing tired words in our writing)

  • walk: glide, roam, drifted
  • run: sped, galloped, darted
  • said: spoke, yelled
  • thought: pictured, imagined

Friday, November 11, 2016

Holiday Hearts Program

It’s time again for the annual “Holiday Heart Program” at Teasley.  Each year our students, staff and community members support families in need during the holiday season.  This year we are trying something new!  We are asking you to buy gifts cards from places such as Wal-mart, Target, Publix, Kroger or QT instead of gifts.  Please assist us in helping these families in our school community by selecting a heart from the Holiday Hearts tree when you visit the school or attend the Thanksgiving Feast.  You can purchase a gift card in any denomination (please write the amount on the card).

Please place your gift card in an envelope marked “Holiday Hearts” and return it to Teasley by Monday, December 12th.  All gift cards should be placed in one of the black payment boxes or the safe.

If you have any questions please contact Sherise Harris (Counselor for Kindergarten -2nd), or Corinna Oliver (Counselor for 3rd – 5th) at 770-437-5945.  Thank you for your support and generosity!

Please read...
Parents, please be sure that you read your child's agenda very carefully everyday. If they have written that they have a vocabulary or spelling test to study for (such as their previous science, word sort and social studies tests) please make sure that you physically see what they have brought home to study. We have had some friends whose agendas indicate that they have studied (parent signature) but then the students have lost what it was that they were supposed to have been studying the whole week. Thus resulting in test grades that do not reflect what I know their abilities are. I am always willing to replace study guides etc, but if moments before the test come and they are given the opportunity to study and they tell me that they haven't had one of their resources all week, it raises the question as to if they actually completed the homework assignments. Please also be sure to check their purple folders for tests that come home, in which a retake is being offered. Additionally, please check ParentVue for grades. If you see an assessment grade that is less than a 69%, you will know to be on the look out for a retake paper for you to sign and a practice assignment for your child to complete and return before the deadline date noted. As always, I greatly appreciate your continued support and the work that you do with your children to help them be successful. I feel privileged to be able to work with your children and with you.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Lost and Found
Lost and Found is overflowing!
If your child has lost a sweater, jacket, coat, hat, or lunch box, PLEASE remind them to check Lost and Found, or if you RSVP'd and are joining them for Thanksgiving lunch next week, please stop by and check it.  Items left in Lost and Found after next Friday, Nov. 18th will be donated. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A message from Mrs. Brooks...
It’s that time again for our Square1 Art Fundraiser!  Tomorrow your child will be coming home with their own personalized order catalog, original artwork, and free stickers with their art on it!  Order unique gifts and keepsakes with your child’s art on it.  The school earns profit from each order to help enhance their engagement and learning in the art classroom!  You can order via the paper order form or online at

The deadline for orders is NOVEMBER 17th!  Make sure to get your personalized gifts before this deadline!  If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Brooks at:

Math Homework Today

In class we are working on multiplying large numbers. We have been working on a few strategies in order to assist with this. Your child has math homework tonight in which they have been asked to use the strategies they have been taught in class. Below is a link to a site that we have used in class. Please remember that students also have their math journals that should be used, which have steps and examples. Their journals need to come back to school everyday.

Tiger Trot Update
We are a little over a week away from the Tiger Trot and we can't stress enough how much PTA needs YOUR help! The $35,000 we raise allows PTA to support every classroom. It pays for teacher grants for classroom supplies, educational grants, and school area supports as well as the traverse climbing wall for the gym.  The Wallace/Rice Blazers are ready to run! Please set up your child's account and get the donations rolling in! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Talent Show Reminder...
Talent show permission slips are due November 11th.  Late permission slips will not be accepted. Also, audition dates have been  moved to Dec. 1st for K-2 and Dec. 2 for 3-5. Please email Rachel Stewart for questions.

Monday, November 7, 2016

We are gearing up for our 2nd annual WINTERFEST Tree Lighting.  We have big expectations for our event this year and hope that you might join us.  If you are a small business owner or would like to be a vendor at this year’s tree lighting please click the link below to apply for a spot.  

Below is the link to apply.  Deadline for all applications is November 18, 2016.

If you have any questions please forward them to
The Tiger Trot is in just 2 short weeks...Go 
Please sign your students up by visiting   For more information about it, please visit this link: or you can go to the actual site where you can view the current leader board:

Thanksgiving Feast

All reservations for the Thanksgiving Feast must be returned by Wednesday morning Nov. 9th. Information went home with your children last week regarding the feast.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Please remember that there is no school for students on Tuesday Nov 8th!

Please remember to send in a healthy snack with your child everyday.

Please register your child for the Tiger Trot. We are working on adding additional gym equipment with the funds raised!

What we are learning this week:

Math: Multiplying up to 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers
Reading: Comparing points of view in  literary texts
Science: Force and motion
Writing: Components of narrative text
ELA: Homonyms
      Purple Group:


Blue Group:


Orange Group:


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Strong 4 Life

The Strong 4 Life Challenge team is coming to your school soon!
We all want happy, healthy kids. But as a busy parent, helping your kids eat well and stay
active can be a challenge. At Strong4Life, created by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, our
doctors, nutritionists and wellness experts create fun, easy ways to help your kids eat, move
and live healthier.
Getting—and staying—on a healthy track isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why
Strong4Life has specialized programs for kids to reset and recharge through nutrition and
activity. Children and families across the state of Georgia have participated in our programs—
including our exciting Strong4Life Challenge program, which is coming to your school.
Strong4Life Challenge basics
The Strong4Life Challenge includes two school visits held over the course of one school
year, during which time the Strong4Life Challenge team delivers messages that are energetic,
cool and kid-friendly.
The program will kick off with a 45-minute schoolwide pep rally (which generally takes place
in the fall) and conclude with a follow-up visit in the spring. Each student will participate in
the pep rally, and will receive a Strong4Life Challenge water bottle and T-shirt during the
school year.
We need your help!
As parents, you have the ability to influence your child’s habits. Help us by reinforcing the
four Strong4Life Healthy Habits at home: make half your plate veggies and fruits, be active,
drink more water and limit sugary drinks, and limit screen time. And please join your child in
becoming Strong4Life!
For more information on how to be Strong4Life at home, visit

We are excited to announce that Mrs. Hoffman has joined us to fill in for Mrs. Rice while she is on leave. Today was her first day with us and we just know that the transition will be a smooth one.

Talent Show Announcement- Talent show auditions have been moved until after Thanksgiving break.  K-2nd grade will audition after school on Thursday 12/1/16.  3rd-5th grade will audition after school on Friday 12/2/16. Permission slips are still due Friday November 11th.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Stewart (

Please do not allow your children to bring in left over Halloween candy unless it is for Operation Gratitude. The last day to donate is tomorrow.

Tiger Trot
We have officially started our Tiger Trot fundraiser. Your students were given information to get their fundraising started. Below is the link that you can use to see our class progress. Please remember the importance of this fundraiser. The money raised goes back to our students. This year we are attempting to raise money for and activity wall in the gym, among other things.

4th and 5th Grade All-Star Dance
November 4th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 
Students are encouraged to dress in sports attire/jerseys

$12 admission (includes pizza and water)
$15 at the door