Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Congratulations to the students who earned perfect attendance this marking period! These students had no absences and no tardies! WAY TO GO!  On Friday October 14th, the following students will be allowed to dress down. 

  • Christian 
  • Emmy 
  • Lola
  • Pavel
  • Lily 
  • Sky 
  • Narain 
  • Annalise 
  • Adrian
  • Karimou

I am sure that you have heard either from your child or from Ms. Mansfield's call out, that there have been a few changes to some of the bus routes. Please see the link below if you have any questions regarding buses.
For further information, contact the Transportation Department at 678-594-8000.

Please remember to check agendas and reading logs every night.  This week there will be assessments on multiplicative comparisons, run on and fragmented sentences, making inferences, and word sorts.