Too much candy?? Please give to Operation Gratitude tomorrow!
Don't forget the candy buy back opportunity we have with A+ Pediatric Dentistry of Atlanta to donate candy to our troops!! OPERATION GRATITUDE!! Bring in any unwanted candy to school tomorrow! Please separate chocolate from non chocolate. Thank you!!!
Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Wallace's 4th Grade Class
Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
This week we will be learning:
Grammar- Word Work-
Social Studies: Early explorers to the New World.
Reading: I can identify the theme in literature and poetry.
Grammar- Word Work-
Word Sort 10
Purple Group:
Comparison suffixes -ier (2 things) -iest (more
than 2 things)
Rule- If a word ends with a consonant and y,
change the y to an i before adding the suffix –er or -est
- emptier
- trickier
- fancier
- crummier
- murkier
- shinier
- blurriest
- brainiest
- chattiest
- cheeriest
- happiest
- coziest
- funniest
- healthiest
- laziest
Word Sort 10
Blue Group:
Words with the /j/ sound, spelled with j or g.
Word Sort 10
Orange Group:
r blends & r influenced -i
- grin
- bring
- hire
- third
- bird
- skirt
- brick
- drink
- trick
- grill
- drip
- shirt
- girl
- tired
- wire
- I can use they're, their and there correctly in my writing.
- I can identify the characteristics of narrative writing.
Math: I can generate/complete a number or shape pattern.
Social Studies: Early explorers to the New World.
Reading: I can identify the theme in literature and poetry.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Treats for Troops!!!
Our Student Council in partnering with A+ Pediatric Dentistry of
Atlanta again this year to collect candy for Operation Gratitude!
Operation Gratitude is a non-profit organization that ships care packages to our troops around the globe.
Here’s how you can help:
Go out and enjoy Trick or Treating.
On Monday, October 31 and Tuesday, November 1, bring in some of your candy to share with the troops.
Teasley will get $1 for each pound of candy we donate.
Please separate the chocolate from the other candy. Sorry, no Pixie Sticks!
A+ Pediatric Dentistry will be hosting their Candy Buy Back Party on Tuesday, November 1 from 4:00—6:00 PM at their office. You can also take your candy to their party and enjoy a fun day with our partners at A+ Dentistry.
For more information on Operation Gratitude check out their website at:
Please do not forget that Tuesday Nov. 8th will be a student holiday!
****There will be no homework for students on Monday
October 31st. ****
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Tiger Trot
We have officially started our Tiger Trot fundraiser. Your students were given information to get their fundraising started. Below is the link that you can use to see our class progress. Please remember the importance of this fundraiser. The money raised goes back to our students. This year we are attempting to raise money for and activity wall in the gym, among other things.
- The Boo Hop is this Friday and the 4th and 5th grade All Star Dance is next Friday, 11/3.
- Please remember to send in a healthy snack with your child DAILY. We have snacks in the class, but they are intended only if a student forgot their snack that day.
- Please check your child's backpack and folders daily.
- Students have homework Mon-Thurs. This includes getting reading logs and agendas signed daily.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Classroom News:
We are excited to announce that Mrs. Rice has had a beautiful baby boy, Hudson! In her absence Mrs. Robinson, a beloved substitute here at Teasley, will be assisting our class until Nov. 1st. At that time, Mrs. Hoffman will be filling in for Mrs. Rice, until she returns. We will do our best to make sure that it is a smooth transition for all and we greatly appreciate your patience and support as we do so.
This week we are learning:
Word Work: Please continue to work with the list that was provided last week.
ELA: 4L1f- Simple, complex and compound sentences.
Writing: E4W9(b)- CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) responses. Students are asked to support a claim using evidence and proven fact (scientific fact)
Math: 4OA4- Finding factors and multiples and identifying prime and composite numbers
Social Studies- 4H2 (a,b)- European Exploration and explorers
Reading: 4RL3- analyzing characters based on their actions and dialogue
We are excited to announce that Mrs. Rice has had a beautiful baby boy, Hudson! In her absence Mrs. Robinson, a beloved substitute here at Teasley, will be assisting our class until Nov. 1st. At that time, Mrs. Hoffman will be filling in for Mrs. Rice, until she returns. We will do our best to make sure that it is a smooth transition for all and we greatly appreciate your patience and support as we do so.
This week we are learning:
Word Work: Please continue to work with the list that was provided last week.
ELA: 4L1f- Simple, complex and compound sentences.
Writing: E4W9(b)- CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) responses. Students are asked to support a claim using evidence and proven fact (scientific fact)
Math: 4OA4- Finding factors and multiples and identifying prime and composite numbers
Social Studies- 4H2 (a,b)- European Exploration and explorers
Reading: 4RL3- analyzing characters based on their actions and dialogue
Publix Family Math Night
Discover the Wonders of Math………. Together
When: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Where: Publix Paces
Ferry Center, 2451 Cumberland Pkwy SE, Atlanta, GA, 30339
Join us for a math scavenger hunt at Paces Ferry
Publix. Students (accompanied by a parent) will sign-in and receive a worksheet that
is appropriate for that child's grade-
Notes from Mrs. Mungin...
“Hello Parents
Friday is Boo Hop!!!
If you wish for your child to attend the school wide Halloween Dance,
please click on the link below and follow the 3 directions given. The
last day to pay for Boo Hop is Wednesday October 26th. You can only
BUT IN THE BOXES MARKED BOO HOP. Boxes are located in the front office
and at the ASP check out desk.
Payments received after
Wednesday will be returned.
Here’s to great
Halloween fun!!!
Teasley Treble Tones
4th Grade ONLY
“Hello Parents,
Students this rotation will be using
BLUE practice logs to track their practicing of 3 Recorder Karate songs.
Students should know how to play all songs when they come to class this
rotation. Recorder Karate is winding down and I am so PROUD of students
who have been dedicated to practicing their music. They have truly met
the standard of playing notes in Treble Clef on an instrument. Please
lets encourage them to keep practicing and turning in their logs on time.
Students who do not complete a log and turn in for a grade will have a
failing grade at the end of the quarter. All students who don’t complete
a recorder log will be sent home with a THINK SHEET which is an alert to let
you know that homework was not completed. CONGRATULATIONS to those kids
who have earned all 3 belts!!! They have a FREE week of practice. I look
forward to hearing some great music.
Ms. Mungin”
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Red Ribbon Week: “I ELECT to be Drug and Bully Free!”
Teasley Elementary School
October 24 – October 28, 2016
Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States.
In honor of Red Ribbon Week and National Bullying Prevention Month, Teasley has an exciting week of activities planned for our students and staff to help us to remember to be happy and healthy. We want this week to be fun and educational, so we also encourage families to use this opportunity to discuss healthy lifestyle choices and safety with their children.

• Monday-“Red Ribbon Day”
Wear red and red ribbons today to show your
promise to live a healthy lifestyle.
(Ribbons will be given to students at school)
*Bring a Healthy Snack to school
• Tuesday- Teasley is United Against
Drugs And Bullying
Wear your Teasley Tiger spirit wear today to show
*Make a new Teasley Tiger Friend today!
• Wednesday- “Team up Against Drugs and Bullying”
Wear your favorite team shirt.
*Stand up for someone if you see them being treated mean or unfair.
• Thursday- “Put a “CAP” on Drugs and Bullying.”
Wear a hat
• Friday- “Real Heroes Don’t Do Drugs or Bully”
Wear a superhero cape or shirt
1. National Crime Prevention Council; "Tips, information, and publications aimed at preventing substance abuse"
2. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America; "Time To Talk provides easy-to-use guides and tips to help you have ongoing conversations with your kids to keep them healthy and drug-free."
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Class News:
We have just received our schedule for Friday's Career Day and it is jam packed. In addition, the week has flown by and with early dismissal everyday, we did not have our full instructional times. We have decided that we would like to postpone our Spelling test for this week, so that the students can have more class time to practice the concepts behind their words. Our test will now be next Friday October 28th.
Additionally, we will be having a post test on our fire safety unit that we just completed. This will be held on Wednesday October 26th. Students received a study guide today and they may also use their fire safety booklet that they brought home to study.
Conferences- We just want to thank all of you for being so supportive. We are grateful to have your children in our class and to be working alongside you, in fostering their growth into responsible ladies and gentlemen. Thank you again.
School News:
Career Day is this Friday, October 21st! We are looking forward to all of the wonderful presenters that we have scheduled.
forget our Fall Box
Top Drive ends on October 21. For every 25 Box Tops your
child submits, they will earn one Air Head candy. Drop them off in Ziploc
bags of 25 with your child’s name, grade, and teacher in the Box Tops box in
the front office.
Tiger Trot T-Shirts are on sale now! Please turn in the
attached form by Friday, October 21. T-Shirts are also being sold online at
Boo Grams due Friday, October 21. Order forms went home
in your child's folder this week. More labels available in the office if
Tiger Trot Kick-Off Pep Rally- Monday, October 24
(during school)- Pledge packets will also go home that day. Be on the
lookout for more information about our biggest PTA fundraiser of the
Publix Math Night- Tuesday, October 25 from 5-7 pm.
Discover the wonders of math together! Join us for a
math scavenger hunt at Paces Ferry Publix. Students (accompanied by a
parent) will sign-in and receive a worksheet that is appropriate for that
child's grade-level. Students will complete the hands-on-math problems and
return it for a treat bag!
Monday, October 17, 2016
A message from Mrs. Mungin...
" Hello Parents!
This week your child is responsible for practicing all their Recorder Karate songs. Orange logs will be sent home this rotation and should be returned in 6 days with a parent signature for each day your child practice. Students will receive $5 in Mungin bucks for each day they practice and a grade of a 100. Anything less than 6 days will result in a lower grade. Students who do not bring their logs to class will receive a Think Sheet and CAN NOT bring in at a later time for credit. Logs are due on time. Thanks for encouraging your child to practice to increase their knowledge of music.
Mrs. Mungin"
This week your child is responsible for practicing all their Recorder Karate songs. Orange logs will be sent home this rotation and should be returned in 6 days with a parent signature for each day your child practice. Students will receive $5 in Mungin bucks for each day they practice and a grade of a 100. Anything less than 6 days will result in a lower grade. Students who do not bring their logs to class will receive a Think Sheet and CAN NOT bring in at a later time for credit. Logs are due on time. Thanks for encouraging your child to practice to increase their knowledge of music.
Mrs. Mungin"
Tiger Trot
November 18th
Put on your running shoes and
collect your pledges! It’s time for the Tiger Trot. Students will be
asking for donations for their participation in this event. Monies
collected will go towards the PTA to support teacher materials in the
BOO HOP Dance!
October 28th
Grades K-2: Dismissal-3:30
Grades 3-5: 4:00-6:00 **
**Students in grades 3-5 will have to be driven back to school or pay regular ASP fees.**
Tickets MUST be purchased by October 26th.
$5 for grades K-2 includes water and a treat
$7 for grades 3-5 includes pizza, water and a treat
Students may wear funny socks, or hat, or a school appropriate costume (NO SCARY CLOWNS OR MASKS)
Sponsored by Mrs. Mungin and the Teasley Treble Tones
Word Sorts for week 10/17:
Word Sort 9
Purple Group:
Comparison suffixes -er (2 things) -est (more
than 2 things)
- kinder
- stranger
- longer
- stronger
- bolder
- shorter
- smaller
- weakest
- quietest
- harshest
- biggest
- loudest
- greatest
- hardest
- lightest
Word Sort 9
Blue Group:
Compound Words
Word Sort 9
Orange Group:
Long -i pattern
- kite
- bride
- spice
- mice
- wipe
- night
- light
- sight
- tight
- right
- child
- kind
- find
- grind
- wild
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